How to Troubleshoot Error DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL

 If you use Windows 10 on your computer and miss some important device drivers, you will face the blue screen of death errors on your computer. These errors are also known as BSOD errors, in short. One such popular error is the driver corrupted expool. You will see the DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL error message on your computer screen when your computer is missing some important drivers. You will need to update your computer drivers or reinstall some of them in order to troubleshoot this problem. This issue can make your computer temporarily useless. If you are also getting the same error code on your computer, then you should not hold back. Instead, you should follow all instructions that we provide on this page to solve this error.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in…

Fixing the Error DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL on Windows 10

If you wish to troubleshoot this issue, you must follow all the methods that we are providing below here:

1. Use a Third-Party Tool

You will face this problem when there is some critical problem on your device’s software or hardware. This problem commonly appears when the operating system cant access some crucial files. The files become either corrupted or outdated. A third-party computer operating system repairing tool can help you fix this problem pretty easily. Restoro is one of the most popular Windows 10 repair tools available in the market. It is highly effective, and many people have fixed the DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL error using Restoro.

Please follow the below instructions to use this tool to fix your problem:

  1. First of all, you must visit the Restoro official website and download this utility.
  2. All you have to do is simply search for Restoro on Google and then select the first website.
  3. There you will find the download link to download the software.
  4. Please install the software after downloading the installation file.
  5. Once the application is installed, please open it and then follow the instructions.
  6. The tool will automatically fetch the system errors, and it will automatically detect all damaged files on your computer.
  7. It will also find out what technical issue your computer is facing.
  8. After that, it might show you the ongoing problems on your computer as per its investigation.
  9. It will ask you to take the necessary actions to fix the problem.
  10. Please follow the instructions provided by the tool, and your problem will be resolved within minutes.

We hope you will find this solution indeed helpful. If you are not able to fix the problem even after utilising this tool, you may like to see the next solution.

2. Uninstall Your Current Antivirus

If you face DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL error on your computer, then you must uninstall the current antivirus on your system. This is because sometimes antivirus programs can interfere with the system files and cause fatal technical issues. Some security programs also secure your computer’s files by encrypting them, and they also block unknown access to your file. Sometimes these antiviruses might function incorrectly. They might block even your operating system to use some essential files. Therefore it is recommended to remove the current security program from your computer temporarily. This can help you investigate the causes of DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL. It is possible that you fix the problem just by removing the antivirus. When the problem is resolved, you can reinstall the antivirus on the computer. If this method doesn’t solve your problem, then pay attention to the next method.

3. Uninstall Problematic Application

Sometimes some specific apps on your computer can cause your operating system to work incorrectly. As a result, your operating system would not be able to access some crucial files and perform necessary actions when needed. You can fix this issue by removing the problematic application from your computer. To know which application is causing the error, you can recall which application you installed when this problem started. If you remember that an application was installed when the problem started to appear, then you must remove it from your computer.

We hope the solutions we have provided in this article were helpful and beneficial.

Source :- How to Troubleshoot Error DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL
